

There has been a MAJOR lack of posting going on around here.  Hopefully that is about to change.  For now here is a little update on life in the Allred home.

He has been traveling A LOT.  Like every other week since January a lot.  If he hasn't been gone the whole week then he has been gone from Wednesday - Friday.  We are both hoping and praying for that to come to an end soon.

Besides the traveling he still enjoys working for Imagine Learning.  We both feel blessed to be a part of such a great company that does so much good.

When he is home, he has been helping me on many a project.  I'm sure inside he shakes his head a little when he sees my ever growing "project list" but he is always so supportive.

He is also training for a 1/2 marathon.  I never thought I'd see the day when he would become a runner.  He used to love quoting Elder Holland, saying, "I'll start running when I see runners smile."  I was wrong though, a runner he has become.  The increase in traveling has been really hard on his training schedule, but he is still making great progress.  I'm so proud of him.

12 Things Eli Does That We LOVE
1. He is sleeping like a champ.  12 1/2 hours at night and at least 2 sometimes 3 1/2 hours for naps.  And he happily goes down for the night and his naps.  Sometimes he even sings himself to sleep.
2. The only time he doesn't go down happily is when people are over.  Such a social butterfly.
3. I love how he walks around the house saying "weeee" when he is having a good time.
4. He is constantly looking out the front door for Oscar.
5. He gets really excited when he hears planes or helicopters. 
6. He says, bubble, dada, papa, ball, and baby.
7. He loves babies.  Our neighbor's baby, Alice, gets A LOT of attention whenever we hang out.
8. His favorite song is If You're Happy and You Know It.  He likes to clap and stomp. 
9. When we are at church and we start singing a Hymn he gets out the hymn book and starts leading the music and singing along.  
10. He nods his head or dances to the music that plays inside whatever store we are in.
11. He has the best tiger/lion/bear growl.

And probably my favorite thing, 

12. He is REALLY good at blowing kisses.  So cute.

He is at such a fun age.  He is learning so much and growing so fast.  Sometimes I look at him and wonder where my baby went.  He is becoming such a little boy.

January was a hard month.  I never got that sick with Elijah and I'm grateful that this pregnancy was just about the same.  However, cold gloomy January mixed with January Blues and crazy pregnancy hormones was not a good combination for me.  But, I'm feeling much better.

Like I mentioned earlier, I have been working on a lot of projects.  Some have been in preparation for baby and others just for fun.  Unfortunately, many of them are only part way finished.  When I do get around to finishing them I'll post some pictures.  Mostly to document what I have been spending my "free time" on.  Besides cleaning, laundry, and cooking.  ;)

Here's a quote I thought of recently.  It has helped me get through some rough days.  I might frame it.  After I decide if I like the fonts.  I might play with it a little more.

This is said at the end of the Emma Smith movie that came out a while ago.  I love it.


Strong Clan said...

I am so glad that the "January" blues are gone! I also can't wait to see your cute tummy!
We have a friend Jed Henry, who is an illustrator for Imagine learning, along with Jake Parker, they work at the provo office. Where does your hubby work?

Michael said...

Hey Tiffany. Michael and I actually know Jed. He was in our singles ward. I've heard you talk about him on your blog before. Small world. Michael is an STS so he is out of the office most of the time working in schools. Hope things are going well for your cute little family!

Jessica said...

I have caught Eli looking out the window a couple times for Oscar (when I'm looking for him too). Eli gets this really cute look of surprise on his face when he sees a person instead of just a naughty little kitten looking at him. So cute. :)

Whitney said...

Eli really does have a great growl. I've been meaning to text you and tell you thanks again for getting together last week! It was just what Max and I needed and we'd love to do it again soon. And I love that quote.

Tiffany Rumsey said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better! I'm sure that Michael being gone so much made everything even harder during that time. So excited for you and another darling boy on the way!