
St. George

A few weeks ago we were able to take a trip down to St. George with our good friends the Iversons.  Again, it was nice to warm up a bit.  (Noticing a trend here?  Ya, Michael and I are pretty sick of cold weather).

We had a great time.  We went swimming at the pool and at Sand Hollow.  We learned that Eli truly is a fish.  He is not afraid of water one bit and LOVES to swim.  He was jumping into the pool and splashing around like crazy.  We might have a future swimmer on our hands!

We saw a frog one day.  

Oh and one of the most memorable parts...Eli had his first encounter with a cactus.  The first night we were there he touched a small prickly pear and his thumb and first three fingers were covered in tiny spines.  He kept rubbing his hands together making them dig deeper into his skin.  He was also starving which just made the tears flow even faster and harder.  We ended up feeding him while we plucked out the spines which worked great for distracting him until he grabbed a piece of pineapple with his sore hand.  Not a fun experience, but one we will always remember.  I should have taken a picture of him with the infamous plant but I forgot.  I didn't take many pictures that whole weekend.  I'm such a slacker.